Just a Chat in the Corner

We’ve been trying to define each of the Famous Grazing blogs, to have a separate identity or purpose for each one.

Belltowernews.com has its place as the anchor blog.  We gave Grazing Press= a place to discuss news.  Other Grazing was designed to be the index for all of the blogs.  We were and I guess still are concerned for the future of of Live Journal as a blog host, so it was decided to start spreading the content around all of the blogs with the hope at least one would survive.

A general post was published this morning regarding the ‘thing’ with Leo and Mike Arrington but I felt I needed a place where I could say a little more or at least point to the ongoing conversation without editorializing or promoting rancor.


The conversation seems to be going on full tilt in both camps.

<<– This is a copy of the Friendfeed conversation where, as of this moment, there are 1182 comments, nope, make that 1184.

Each of the contributors probably follows Leos Friendfeed comments.


From another point of view is the conversation going on at TechCrunch.

There the conversation has, as of this moment, 255 comments. As with any list of people who leave remarks, some are just so much noise.  If you take a few moments to sift through them you will find both Leo and Mike being castigated and supported by their interlocking fanbase.

Everyone at Famous Grazing certainly follow the information coming from the TWiT franchise and we read all that the TechCrunch aggregator produces.

There have been times with both, besides this one, where I have been disappointed.

At TechCrunch it was when they decided to get political during the campaign.  With Leo it was when he came close to calling the geek saint Cali Lewis  stupid for expressing her opinion.

To err is human.  To comment on it is the web.

Now let’s get back to worrying about Korea and the Middle East.


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